Malaika Arora’s DIY cinnamon powder face masks 

Malaika Arora uses to make her cinnamon powder face masks

Cinnamon powder is an ingredient that can be used to make a face mask. It is one of the best ingredients for treating acne and pigmentation. Here we are discussing the most loved and popular cinnamon powder face masks.

It is that time of the year when you are likely to encounter many problems with your skin.

It is that time of the year when you are likely to encounter many problems with your skin. Besides the loss of moisture and the onset of acne due to hormonal surge, you will also encounter the issue of pigmentation.

Pigmentation is a common problem during changes in weather. Your skin may be exposed to extreme heat or cold, both of which can make you look dull and blotchy. The reason behind this condition is sun damage or hormonal changes that cause clogged pores on your face, which leads to dark patches on your face, like freckles or age spots.

In order to treat pigmentation naturally without using harsh chemicals, it is essential for you to include ingredients like cinnamon powder facemasks in your beauty routine.

Here’s how:

In fact, it is one of the major skin concerns during this change in weather because pigmentation makes your skin look dull and blotchy.

Malaika Arora uses cinnamon powder face masks, and here’s how to add natural ingredients to your DIY recipes.

Pigmentation is caused by sun damage, hormonal changes or any other reason that can make your skin look dull and blotchy. You may also see dark spots, patches or even freckles on your face. According to doctors, this happens because of an increase in melanin production which results in the darkening of skin colour.

Not just women but men too suffer from pigmentation issues. Also, they are exposed more often than women are due to their outdoor work habits and lifestyle choices such as smoking or drinking alcohol etc. However, these days, with our busy lives, we do not have time for all these things so what do we do? We use home remedies like cinnamon powder facemasks where we mix honey with cinnamon powder (you can get organic Cinnamomum zeylanicum at most grocery stores)

In a recent interview, Malaika Arora revealed that she uses a face mask made with cinnamon powder every single day.

In a recent interview, Malaika Arora revealed that she uses a face mask made with cinnamon powder every day. The actress said that her mother taught her how to make the easy-to-make face mask at home and that it costs only Rs 50.

Cinnamon is known for its many health benefits and is highly effective when used as part of your beauty routine; it can make you look younger than your age and also keep your skin flawless by nourishing it properly. Here’s how you can use cinnamon powder to get rid of dryness on your face or even reduce the appearance of dark circles around the eyes:

Cinnamon powder facemask for acne scars

Mix cinnamon powder and lemon juice to make a thick paste.

Apply this on the face, avoiding the eye area and hairline. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

This is one of the best masks for acne scars, as well as skin pigmentation and oily skin. As it helps to balance oil production in your skin by regulating sebum production and reducing inflammation at the same time.

How to make cinnamon powder face masks?

Mix 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and two tablespoons of lemon juice in a bowl.

Apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

The antibacterial properties present in cinnamon are great at killing bacteria that cause acne. The citric acid present in lemon juice extracts oil from the pores while lightening blemishes and dark spots on the skin. As such, both these ingredients work to treat acne and scars. However, you should not use this facemask if you have sensitive skin or if you are allergic to lemon or cinnamon.

Cinnamon powder facemask to treat hyperpigmentation

You can also add cinnamon powder to your DIY skin care recipes. This natural ingredient is commonly used in many commercial products. It has been used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory ingredient that helps reduce redness and swelling. In addition to this, cinnamon contains vitamin E, which helps prevent the formation of new acne scars and acne lesions.

So how do you use cinnamon powder as a face mask? Simply mix a little bit of honey with ground cinnamon until you have a thick paste (you may need to add some water if your mixture is too dry). Apply this mixture evenly over your face and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.


Cinnamon powder facemask for hyperpigmentation

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