How Black Women’s Lives May Be Limit Continental Beauties

The world’s most beautiful beauties are frequently regarded as some of the most beautiful in Europe. These women receive a wide range of top-notch plastic surgery and beauty remedies in addition to their naturally attractive capabilities These include liposuction, rhinoplasty, cosmetic clinics, chest augmentation, and other procedures carried out by highly skilled physicians in cutting-edge settings. It makes sense that more and more people are turning to Switzerland for these services given the beauty industry’s explosive growth.

For the elegance economy, the past few years have been specifically significant. Beauty has continued to thrive despite the once-hot trades in fashion and even pleasure goods overall cooling due to its desirability, margins, and resilience in the face of difficult political and macro conditions.

Beauty is a simple method for leisure companies to increase market share, which is one explanation for this craze. The category is an appealing opportunity for growth due to its enormous dimensions, high margins, and ongoing customer requirement. The major leisure brands have taken notice, as Richemont announced in september 2023 that it will construct a Laboratoire de Haute Parfumerie et Beauté and Kering hired beauty in February 2022.

Although Western standards of beauty may seem admirable, they can be harmful to black women. According to studies, black women’s internalization of German beauty standards—which is influenced by family, media, and peer norms—can have a major negative impact on the course of their lives. These results include everything from self-perception to academic success, physical orientation, and job prospects.

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Kaju Katli

Ingredients required:
Cashew nuts – 1 cup
Sugar – ½ cup
Water – ¼ cup
Ghee melted – 1 tsp
Edible silver foil – optional

How to make kaju katli:
1. Grind the cashews into a fine powder.
2. Sieve the cashew powder to ensure there are no lumps.
3. In a broad non-stick pan, mix water and sugar on medium heat.
4. You will see tiny bubbles appear on the surface, stir gently, and let it come to a rolling boil. Lower the heat.
5. Bring it to a boil for about 4 minutes and let it come to 1 thread consistency
6. Turn the heat on low.
7. Add cashew powder and stir using a spatula to avoid lumping.
8. In a minute or so, you’ll see that the cashew mixture is getting thicker.
9. Add melted ghee.
10. Keep cooking; turn off the heat as the dough starts leaving the pan.
11. To check the right consistency, take a tiny pinch of the mixture in your hand and see if you can shape a little ball with your fingers.
12. Remove the dough from the pan on a greased plate or parchment paper and knead the dough to make it less grainy, glossy, and smooth (roughly 5-6 minutes)
13. On the rolling board, place a greaseproof paper and the kneaded cashew dough on it. Place another paper, sandwiching the mixture between two papers
14. Once cooled down, top with edible silver, and cut into diamonds.